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Thesis Project 

Multicultural Facility


Conversation Pit Render

Concept Statement
An interactive multicultural hub in the heart of Qatar for the youth to unite diversity and reduce ethnocentrism. 
Research Question
How is ethnocentrism creating a social barrier for the youth in Qatar?

Ethnocentrism is the attitude that one's own culture is superior to other culture. This creates in-group and out-group mentality as individuals judge other cultures from the little to no knowledge they have. 

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Qatar as a modern society has become multicultural due to diversity and globalization, yet elements of ethnocentrism remain in the society. Ethnocentrism is the attitude that one’s own group, ethnicity, or nationality is superior to others which creates a social  barrier in the community.


With the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar, the willingness of locals to understand and open up to other foreign cultures couldn’t be more significant. Cultural differences shouldn’t be a reason to avoid cross cultural interaction. For the Qatari youth, encountering members of an out-group is a method of widening their experience. 

This proposal suggests establishing an interactive multicultural hub to enhance intercultural communication between the local youth and expats through a variety of activities. This facility proposed to encourage the interaction of members of the society which leads to the cognition that will motivate change. 

Concept development
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Introduction Video
Site Analysis

The building is located in Katara Cultural Village. The site is surrounded with landmarks like the Katara Mosque and the Pigeon Towers. â€‹

Floor Plan

Final Floor Plan


Rendered Section

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I have created a model of the layered library system in scale 1:20.


The layered library environment combines reading zones, studying zones and discussion zones all into one space to create an overlapping learning space. 

Final Renders
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Waiting Lounge Render

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Gift Shop Render

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One on One Booth Render

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Layered Library Render

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Layered Library Render

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